Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday Weight Loss Recap

Where I Was: 

I started on the Trim Healthy Mama way of living sometime around April. I don't have a picture to show how heavy I was, but I was pretty heavy, close to 200 lb and I'm almost 5' 3". I was constantly feeling worn out, tired, and I had horrible joint pains (I'm almost 20). A friend of ours had started using the Trim Healthy Mama guidelines, and as of today she's lost around 30 lb! The best part of the THM way of living, I can eat some of the most delicious foods I've ever eaten (Chocolate! Cheese cake! Frappes!) and I have never felt this full all the time in years.

June Thirtieth

I've lost 12 pounds so far, and I've kept them off! As an added bonus, today for church I was able to wear a blouse that I haven't been able to button up even before I bought it. God has truly blessed me today! The photo I'm uploading isn't the best, it was taken really quickly so I could get changed into my everyday clothes. . . Oh well. I hope to take a better one next Sunday!
God Bless! 

How well did I do? June Recap


After one hectic month, I'm sitting down and looking back to see how well I did on my resolutions. I am a bit ashamed to say I almost forgot about these until I decided that it is time to put up an update. Well, here goes.

#1 Less Computer

    B+ or 85% : I have been on the computer less, but when I have been on I have not been doing what I should be doing; instead of writing or looking up what I was originally supposed to be looking up, I'd be on Pinterest, YouTube, or Facebook. . .

#2 Help Keep Things Clean

    C+  75% : One of my banes is how I ignore things that I don't like. Such as cleaning. I have been much better, especially with the kitchen and dining room, but my room is such a mess right now! It doesn't help that everyone in it (I'm sharing it with four sisters) doesn't want to help clean either. To top it off I was gone for a week, and the week before that I was busy with VBS! The excuses shouldn't count though, I need to make cleaning (even more than my share of it) more of a responsibility.

#3 Start FAFSA 

   A 95% : I finished filling out and sending it in about one and a half weeks ago. Woo hoo! Something done on time! The down side, I evidently missed something while filling it out, and now I have to contact a Financial Aid Assistant to figure out the problem. Ouch.

#4 Get as Much of my Story Written before the Summer Workshop

   A 90% : I did get the first chapter written a week before the Workshop! I also wrote a few pages of the second chapter as well. The Workshop was beyond amazing, and I'm hoping to go again next year. I am now plowing my way through the third chapter in my story. I say plowing because I feel so bad about how awfully written my first two chapters are, but I'm not supposed to edit them until after I've written the whole book.

Final Score: B+ or 86% 

Ouch. I'm hoping to do better next month. I'll hopefully be posting July's Resolutions soon.
God Bless!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I can't wait any longer!

YAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'm so excited!

For years I've been obese; never having the gumption to count calories or measure all of my food I'd almost become satisfied with being overweight for the rest of my life. Almost. I didn't have any energy to exercise (though I love dancing and running), and sometimes going out with my youth group became something to dread because I'd run out of breath way faster than the other skinnier kids. My mom would tell me about when I was six years old, a skinny little bundle of energy. I've always wondered what that would be like to be again as I hardly remember being six.

As of this morning, for the first time in YEARS I've lost ten pounds! I've also lost one pant size, and the one I'm in right now is beginning to get loose! I'm so excited that I'm typing this with a silly grin on my face.

That's my little ramble that I had to write before I went to bed.
God bless and good night!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June Resolutions

June is pretty busy for me. . . VBS is next week, and the week after I'm leaving for a week long writing workshop! I'm so excited!

      I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the documentary called Captivated but it has changed how my family and I look at computers and other forms of entertainment. My time on the computer has been cut way back, and as it is now planting season I'm hoping to be outside more working in the gardens (my dad and brother made ready seven large plots this year!) and writing in a notebook instead of on the computer (I need to work on my handwriting, ha ha!). I'm hoping for at least an hour less of computer time by the end of June.

#2: HELP KEEP THINGS CLEANER (at least while I'm at home)
      In a family as big as mine (right now there are eight kids at home, not counting both my parents) and as we are constantly working on school and not the house, you can bet the nine out of ten times the house will be a mess. I'm hoping to kick myself in the behind more and help out. I'm almost twenty! I'm rather embarrassed at how little I do in my own home. Also, I'm really hoping that I'll be able to go to college this fall, but I don't know if I can afford my first choice of college (Northland International University). So, I'll be doing CLEPing instead. My goal for this month (and the months to come) is to help keep my house clean (especially the kitchen and dining room. . .).

      For some reason, I've been putting that off. I'm not sure if its just the jitters of realizing that I'm actually going to college, or what but I need to finally get it started so that I can hopefully go to college this next year for sure! The longer that college has been put off for me, the more I want to do it so. . . I'm going to at least get as ready as I hopefully can! The CLEPing will help with the cost as well, thank God for a program like that!

      Writing, my current love! Except when I'm actually supposed to work on it. . . That's when my procrastinating mind goes blank and I become stuck (aka. a classic case of writer's block). Right now (just under two weeks away from the workshop) I'm so close to starting the first chapter. I'm currently working on outlining the last four chapters, and when that's done! The fun part! But with VBS this next week, and all the business that's going on with planting, I'm just hoping to write a few pages of the first chapter, if anything at all. I'm currently a bit scared that I wont accomplish even that, but I can push myself, and I will do it!

If you read all of that, congratulations! This is my first time doing this, and I tend to ramble on quite a bit. . . Which is odd because I'm a rather quiet person in real life. Until I get to know you, that is. Then I guess I do ramble a little bit. ha ha!