The Road goes ever on and onDown from the door where it began.Now far ahead the Road has gone,And I must follow, if I can,Pursuing it with eager feet,Until it joins some larger wayWhere many paths and errands meet.And whither then? I cannot say.~J. R. R. Tolkien, The Road Goes Ever On and On
My life feels like this song right now.My first semester in college is done.I now have seven left to go.After that, I do not know.It's times like these when I sit back and stare in amazement at everything before me and behind.
Who am I, Lord?Who am I that You have shown me the next path to take for now?Who am I that You have directed me this far?Who am I, Lord?Who am I?
All that I know, is that I'm a creation of the Creature, and must follow what He tells me to do.For now, I'm to follow the path of a student.In four years, He'll show me the next path.I'll just have to wait until then.
Still round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And though I oft have passed them by,A day will come at last when IShall take the hidden paths that runWest of the Moon, East of the Sun.~J. R. R. Tolkien, A Walking Song
God BlessSDGJoy