Thursday, February 28, 2013

Brownie in a Mug, Take One

Today I decided to try making a Brownie in a Mug. I found a recipe off of Pinterest and tried it out. Here's a link to the pin: I couldn't find necessarily where it came from either. . . Oh well.

It turned out pretty good, though it could have been better. I added about two teaspoons of vanilla (because it didn't call for it, and chocolate usually tastes better with vanilla), and the substance wasn't as runny as it showed in the picture, but it was still pretty good (I ate it, so it is at least edible hee hee!). 

I made two of them, one for my mom and one for me. Hers came out better; it was fluffier and richer than mine. Mine was okay, but it was a bit grittier. I probably should have added more liquid to mine. I might take out the salt all together if I try this recipe again. 

Here's the recipe typed out in my own words:


1/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Flour
2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder (I used heaping tbsp's, maybe that was my problem hee hee!)
Pinch of Salt (Neither my mom nor I liked it with the salt, I used even less than a pinch and it was still salty at times)
2 Tbsp Olive Oil (I used vegetable instead because we don't have olive oil)
3 Tbsp water
(Optional) Ice Cream (I didn't use this last ingredient because I don't have any currently.)

Add all dry ingredients together in your mug. (I mixed them as well, but they didn't say that in the Pin.) Add the oil and water. Mix until the texture is consistent. Cook it in the microwave for 1 minute and 40 seconds. Be careful taking it out, it is hot! Add Ice Cream, and enjoy! 


Solo Deo Gloria,


Thursday, February 21, 2013

O let me ne'er forget

This is my Father's world,
And to my listening ears,
All nature sings,
and 'round me rings,
The music of the Spheres.

This is my Father's world:
I rest in the thought
Of rocks and trees,
of skies and seas
His hand the wonders wrought.

Oh how I love old hymns! This one written Maltbie Davenport Babcock is amongst my favorite. I love to sing it or read it. Eventually I want to be able to quote hymns, but I suppose I'll just have to keep going with the poems that I've been learning. :P 

This is my Father's world, 
The birds their carols raise, 
The morning light, 
the lily white, 
Declare their Maker's praise. 

This is my Father's world, 
He shines in all that's fair: 
In the rustling grass 
I hear Him pass, 
He speaks to me everywhere. 

One thing I like about this hymn is how soothing it is. It reminds me of who I am, where I am, and why I am here. That is something that I constantly need to be reminded of. I'm a worrier, and I constantly worry about so many things. The only thing I should do, is praise God and help others see Him. Not worry about how life is going for me or for others. 

This is my Father's world, 
O let me ne'er forget 
That though the wrong 
seems oft so strong, 
God is the ruler yet. 

This is my Father's world: 
The battle is not done; 
Jesus who died 
shall be satisfied, 
And earth and heaven be one. 

Praise the Lord for not only a book full of instructions and reassurances to those who believe, but also songs and hymns that give us strength. 


Today has been a crazy laid back day. I did four lessons of history with my little brother at 7:30 - 8ish this morning while my sisters and mom where at piano lessons. Yes, we get up early, and yes we really do go to piano lessons that early in the morning. I worked on some of my writing, and we did memory with my siblings. The poems and things we've memorized so far fill up three pages, double columned. I'm guessing that we've memorized twenty some poems. I'll post later about what we've memorized. :) Around after that I, well, okay I'll confess. I didn't work on school. I went on the writing forum I'm on, and didn't do any school. :P Oh well. I ate lunch at 1 in the afternoon, and started working on this blogging stuff. I really should start to work on my College applications again, but I'm really scooting around them. I want to go to college, but I don't like doing phone calls and all that. Bleh. I really should just buck up and do them, but I don't want too! I'm a backwards contradiction sometimes. o_o Whatever that means. :P Oh well

God Bless,
